137 Brockley Street, Wodonga, VIC 3690   Phone (02) 6024 3151

Our community is diverse and welcoming.

With our events, our parent groups, and our various programs, we share a strong sense of connection and belonging.

Upcoming Events



19 Feb 2025
No school for Foundation students

19 Feb 2025
Years 1/2 Hockey clinics

20 Feb 2025
Yrs 5/6 Liturgy

21 Feb 2025
Whole School Mass at Sacred Heart Church

21 Feb 2025
Division Swimming- WAVES

24 Feb 2025
Parent Teacher Meeting Day. No school for students.





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Parent Involvement




We acknowledge that parents and carers are a child’s first educator, and we honour that by working closely with them. 


We have strong parental involvement at St Monica’s and encourage all of our parents to engage with the school and their child’s learning. 

There are many ways in which families can become involved in school life. If you would like to join in our social and community initiatives, please contact:


Pastoral care

For a child to learn, they must feel safe and secure. Our school’s pastoral care involves every member of the school community to ensure this happens.


Pastoral wellbeing across the school is a key component of developing the whole child. Our program is developed in line with our Religious Education and Personal Development Curriculums and encompasses a wide range of strategies to enhance student wellbeing.

We have a clear focus on social and emotional learning and look to provide opportunities to learn these skills and understandings on a daily basis. Our Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum is also heavily supported by our Positive Education approach. It is here that our students are given the opportunity to explore their understandings of themes such as: resilience, empathy, independence, compassion, tolerance, respect, curiosity and collaboration. 


Restorative practice

Our behaviour management practice centres around the Restorative Practice process. We strive to allow all students involved to understand the behaviour that has occurred and the impact that it has had on another. We believe in a philosophy of working with children, ensuring their voice is being heard and empowering them to take control of their own learning and allowing them to be accountable for their actions towards others. The Restorative Practice approach to behaviour management aims to restore relationships, as these relationships become the building blocks for all learning.


Defence Families

Defence families are warmly welcomed at St Monica’s.


St. Monica’s is fortunate to have a Defence School Mentor who provides support to children of Australian Defence Force (ADF) members and their families, particularly during their transition into and out of a school on posting or during parental absences due to deployment, exercises or courses.


The mentor assists ADF parents and children to become familiar with the school and its facilities, co-ordinating appropriate welcoming and farewelling activities for ADF children involving the school community, and monitoring ADF children’s personal issues such as friendship, peer groups and classroom difficulties. classroom difficulties.