137 Brockley Street, Wodonga, VIC 3690   Phone (02) 6024 3151

Child Safeguarding 

St Monica’s Primary School will take appropriate, prompt action in response to all allegations or disclosures of abuse, neglect, inappropriate behaviour or concerns about child safety by reporting all matters to the DFFH Child Protection, the Commission for Children and Young People (CCYP), or the Police, depending on the allegation or disclosure made. Once a report has been made, a Child Safety Officer will advise Megan Gerrish, Safeguarding Lead, Catholic Education Sandhurst.


St Monica’s Primary School will respond to all allegations of child abuse in an appropriate manner, including:

  • informing the appropriate authorities and fully cooperating with any resulting investigation
  • protecting any child connected to the allegation until it is resolved and providing ongoing support to those affected
  • taking particular measures in response to an allegation that concerns a culturally diverse child or a child with a disability
  • securing and retaining records of the allegation and the College’s response to it.

The Senior Child Safety Officers of St Monica’s Primary School are:

  •  Jacqui Partington, Principal 

  • Danielle Topalovic, Deputy Principal- Catholic Mission and Safeguarding

The Child Safeguarding Officers of St Monica’s Primary School are:

  • Jack Neil, Deputy Principal- Learning and Teaching

  • Maria Hutchings, School Psychologist

  • Jenny Krueger, Human Resources Leader